Welcome to The Manipulus/Consolatorium Project

This website provides Open Access research materials from Consolatorium theologicum (1338-41) of Johannes von Dambach, OP (Iohannes de Tambaco) in order to document the author's extensive reception of Thomas of Ireland's Manipulus florum. The text was transcribed from the editio princeps of Consolatorium, printed at Basel in 1492 by J. Amerbach (ISTC ij00437000), employing the open access copy provided by the Universitätsbibliothek Basel. The online presentation of the text includes links to the PDF source documents from The Electronic Manipulus florum Project for all quotations derived from that florilegium, which was the author's source for most of the quotations in this text. This project thus follows the model of two previous websites I developed in 2015-16 to document the reception of Manipulus in two 15th-century texts:

Universitätsbibliothek Basel,

UBH Aleph E X 24:3, f. 1r

- Giovanni Dominici's Lucula noctis (The Manipulus/Lucula noctis Project)

- Walter Bower's Scotichronicon (The Manipulus/Scotichronicon Project).

The major difference between this project and its predecessors is that critical editions of both Lucula noctis and Scotichronicon were published the 20th century, so those websites serve as addenda/corrigenda to those editions, whereas The Manipulus/Consolatorium Project constitutes the first modern edition of the text.

As explained in my forthcoming revisionist article on Johannes von Dambach's consolatory writings, Consolatorium (previously known as "Typ I" and "Accingi") is by far the most prolific version, with over 100 surviving manuscripts and five printed editions (1492-1506). The second most prolific version, which is known as Typ IV and "Tres regulae", survives in over 30 manuscripts and one very rare printed edition. To demonstrate that Typ IV is an abridged recension of Consolatorium, this website provides a comparative analysis of Liber 9, cap. 4. Until the forthcoming article appears and becomes available in open access, this website also provides a timeline for Johannes von Dambach's career and a brief overview of the scholarship on his Consolatio theologiae and Consolatorium theologicum.

At present (8 October 2024), the digital edition of Consolatorium includes Libri 1-9. It is expected that this project will be completed by January 2025; new edition pages for Libri 10-15 will be added as the work progresses.

©2023-24 Chris L. Nighman
History Department, Wilfrid Laurier University
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto

The editor gratefully acknowledges financial support for this project provided by an Insight Grant awarded in 2021 by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) for The Digital Auctores Project.
Funds allocated to this project have been used to acquire relevant research materials and pay the salary of Sophia Starkey, an MA student at the Centre for Medieval Studies, who transcribed the text from Amerbach's 1492 edition of Consolatorium in summer 2024.
Thanks are also due to Universitätsbibliothek Basel for the online provision of that book.