As explained in my forthcoming revisionist article on Johannes von Dambach's consolatory writings, Consolatorium (previously known as "Typ I" and "Accingi") is by far the most prolific version, with over 100 surviving manuscripts and five printed editions (1492-1506). The second most prolific version, which is known as Typ IV and "Tres regulae", survives in over 30 manuscripts and one very rare printed edition. To demonstrate that Typ IV is an abridged recension of Consolatorium, this website provides a comparative analysis of Liber 9, cap. 4. Until the forthcoming article appears and becomes available in Open Access, this website also provides a timeline for Johannes von Dambach's career and a brief overview of the scholarship on his Consolatio theologiae and Consolatorium theologicum.
Current status of this online resource: A full digital edition of Consolatorium has been provided on this website since December 2024. It is intended that this online edition will be enhanced, sometime in Spring or Summer 2025, by providing references to the non-biblical quotations that were not derived from Manipulus florum, including excerpts from patristic texts, Gratian's Decretum, Glossa ordinaria, and liturgical texts, as well as passages from several major Dominican authors: Thomas Aquinas, Albertus Magnus, and Vincent of Beauvais.