Background on the Text


Timeline for Johannes von Dambach (Iohannes de Tambaco) OP

1308: Joins Dominican Order at Strasbourg at the age of about 20
1320s/30s: Studies at Köln under Meister Eckhart OP, then at Paris alongside Johannes Tauler OP
1338: Expelled with his brethren from Strasbourg due to an interdict issued in 1324 by John XXII
   - Begins writing his
Consolatio theologiae (acc. Prefatio): "Sic et ego ab impugnatoribus iusticiae
     pariter et obedientie sanctae romanae ecclesiae:
a propriae mansionis loco eiectus: quandam exilii
     speciem sustinens: praefatum opus aggressus: ipsum si legentibus paceret: de consolatione
     theologiae appellandum iudicarem."
1338-40: perhaps living with relatives in Dambach-la-Ville?
1340: Admitted to the Dominican friary in Basel
1341-46: Studying theology at Bologna
1346: Becomes a Master of Theology at Montpellier
1347: Appointed first rector to the Dominicans at the new
studium generale in Prague
1348-50: Imperial emissary in papal Avignon
1350-56: Resident in Paris
1356-72: Probably resident in Strasbourg
   - Completes
Consolatio theologiae (1366)
1372: Dies at Strasbourg or possibly Freiburg im Briesgau

Bibliography & Notes on the Textual Tradition

Albert Auer, Johannes von Dambach und die Trostbücher vom 11. bis zum 16. Jahrhundert, Münster 1928.
Consolatio theologiae (8 Mss + 1 incunable ca. 1479)
Fortleben = 6 "Excerpten":
      Typ I: "Accingi" (52 Mss + 2 incunables: 1492, 1493 + 3 early imprints: 1502, 1506, 1509)
      Typ II: "Excerpt aus Buch N" (2 Mss, never printed)
      Typ III: "Martyrii palmam" (1 Ms + 1 incunable ca. 1473)
      Typ IV: "Tres regulae" (13 Mss + 1 incunable: 1486)
      Typ V: "Speculum patientiae" (1 Ms + 1 early imprint: 1509)
      Typ VI: misc. fragments
  - Documented the reception of Thomas of Ireland's
Manipulus florum for many classical quotations
  - Auer's typology & interpretation of the textual history accepted and perpetuated by cataloguers & bibliographers.

Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann, Lateinische Dialoge 1200-1400. Literaturhistorische Studie und Repertorium, Mitellateinische Studien und Texte 37, Leiden 2007, pp. 614-24.
Consolatio theologiae = "vollständiger Text"
  - Typ I: "Accingi" (+ 7 Mss = 59 Mss); Typ IV (+ 2 Mss = 15 Mss)

Piotr Smoliński, De consolatione theologiae Libri I-III. Editio critica (Acta Mediaevalia [Lublin], 21), 2009.
Consolatio theologiae (+ 1 Ms = 9 Mss)

Ronald Rittgers, The Reformation of Suffering: Pastoral Theology and Lay Piety in Late Medieval and Early Modern Germany, Oxford, 2012.
  - " work on consolation was excerpted as frequently as [Dambach's]
Consolation of of the single most important works on consolation in late medieval Germany…" (pp. 55-57).

Chris L. Nighman, "The reception of Manipulus florum in two distinct works by Johannes von Dambach OP: Consolatio theologiae and Consolatorium theologicum," Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum n.s. 9 (2024), 27 pp. (forthcoming).
Consolatio theologiae (+ 1 Ms = 10 Mss)
  - Typ I: "Accingi" (+ 49 Mss = 108 Mss)
  - Typ IV: "Tres regulae" (+ 17 Mss = 32 Mss)
  - Argues that
Consolatorium theologicum ("Typ I/Accingi") is not an abridged recension of Consolatio theologiae, as Auer thought. Rather, Johannes von Dambach composed it in 1338-41, mostly while in exile, and then transformed it into Consolatio theologiae from 1342 to 1366.